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How To Come Up With Fun & Creative Costume Ideas

When it comes to choosing a costume, whether for Halloween or some other event, some people dive right into it and others struggle for ideas. Whichever camp you fall into, you're not alone. But if you're in the "I can't come up with a costume" group, there are plenty of ways to get ideas.

First, you should probably narrow down your choices a bit by looking at several things. First, what sort of event is the costume for? Is there a theme for everyone to follow or can you choose freely? Is it a family affair or adults only? And will the location and/or the weather play a part in your choice?

Plus, you'll have to decide whether you're going to buy or rent your costume or put something together yourself.

Once you've got these simple guidelines worked out, you'll need to decide what you want to dress up as. What kind of costume accessories might you need? For example, hats, wigs, gloves, masks, etc.

Buying your costume from your local costume seller is usually the simplest option, although for a wider selection you're probably best going to one of the costume shop websites. Even if you buy your costume, you can always put your own finishing touches on it to make it unique and a little more special.

If you decide to make your own costume, it'll obviously be more work but then you can design it exactly the way you want. It's rare that you'll find a retail costume that has exactly what you're looking for, plus creating your own might save you some money.

Your local thrift store is a great place to search for old clothes that you can use as a basis for your costume.


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